The Daily Rambam

The Daily Rambam website. The project began in 1984, prior to the appearance of the internet in Israel.

The Daily Rambam project’s website was established for the sake of those who wish to maintain a constant relationship with the Rambam and his teachings. In the "About Us" section of the website, one can see a glimpse of the vision behind the ambitious project: Since Maimonides was the only one to encompass all the halakhic issues that are found in the Oral Law, the "Daily Maimonides Study Path" enables "the study of one chapter per day and stretches over two years and ten months (a total of 1,000 chapters)”.

There is an app version of the project, and also - because it wouldn’t be complete without - printed textbooks with commentary by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz.


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