Maimonides was a singular figure, who emerged at the conjunction of a particular time and place. The time, a cultural crossroads which challenged Jewish culture, halakhah, and thought, and which required a “Strong Hand" to chart the way. The place, the Orient in uproar during the great encounter between the East and West, between Islam, Christianity and Judaism and, not least, between the East and West of the Jewish people itself. These encounters engendered conflict, but also created cross-pollination.

Above all this stands the singular and unparalleled genius of Maimonides. His elevated and lofty stature, never fully understood, challenges every generation to engage anew. His personality, beyond its wondrous creative power, contained a complete, nearly messianic confidence in his mission to set the path even for those who ultimately would chose differently. Since then, Maimonides' teachings accompany every Jewish experience. Each generation is humbly charged to reinterpret, confront, and reexamine itself in light of the multifaceted legacy of Rabbi Moses ben Maimon the man and his all-encompassing teachings.

There Was None Like Moses is a collaboration between the National Library of Israel and the Israel Museum in the context of the exhibition Maimonides: From the Invention of Printing to the Digital Age at the National Library and the exhibition Maimonides: A Legacy in Script at the Israel Museum.

The Maimonides Beit Midrash (study house) constructed alongside the exhibition at the Library will host events, classes, and workshops for the public throughout the exhibition period. Ido Beck illustrated the interactive map for the website.

The website, conference and exhibitions are sponsored by the Maimonides Fund.